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Abstract Reader

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reviewed Nature's Warnings by Michael Ashley (Science Fiction Classics)

Michael Ashley: Nature's Warnings (Paperback, 2020, British Library Publishing) 3 stars

Featuring stories crucial to the evolution of eco-science fiction from Philip K. Dick, Margaret St …

A little disappointing

3 stars

I didn't read the back cover properly. All of these stories are "classics" i.e. quite old already. That means they usually will not involve any surprising concepts or ideas. The most you'll get is "Oh, they were already thinking of this back then?".

Walter Moers: The City of Dreaming Books (2008, Overlook Press) 4 stars

Optimus Yarnspinner inherits a manuscript by an unknown writer. To track down the author, he …

Corny but good

4 stars

I read this in the original German, so I can't speak for the quality of the translation. Most of the time, this book is funny (usually witty) but it can also sometimes get a little extra. The most solid part of this book is the world building, which is not super realistic (although consistent) but always wild and surprising.