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Joined 4 months, 3 weeks ago

We're a plural system who loves queer & anarchist scifi.

But recently we just read a few randomly picked up mystery books in a row, in German, and we tend to review books in the language we read them in. That or similar may happen again, be warned.

No reading goals, just feelings.

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Die Träume anderer Leute (EBook, Deutsch language, 2022, Kiepenheuer & Witsch) No rating

Album, Promotion, Tour. Beinahe zwanzig Jahre lang bestimmt die Dynamik des Musikbetriebs Judith Holofernes‘ Leben. …

Ich bin erstaunlich froh, es gelesen zu haben

No rating

Es geht viel darum, wie Judith Holofernes gelernt hat, zu chillen und Sachen zu machen, die ihr gut tun. Dazwischen geht es zB um danebene Ärzt_innen, as ich einfach relatable finde.

Es sind ganz viele Anspielungen auf Liedtexte (solche von ihr alleine und solche von Wir Sind Helden) und ich hab die manchmal erst am nächsten Tag gecheckt wenn mir zB "wir kommen um die andern Helden abzumelden!" im Kopf herum gewabert ist bis mir auffiel ah, deswegen "abmelden", deswegen vom Heldin sein abmelden.

The Myth of Normal (Hardcover, 2022, Avery) No rating

By the acclaimed author of In the Realm of Hungry Ghosts, a groundbreaking investigation into …

It's good

No rating

I was expecting a bit too much, but it's certainly worth reading. It's neither revelatory nor very inspiring to me, but one of those things where it's just nice to have it all said in one place to think about the connections. There's a few chapters in the middle that kinda list me, I was eager to get to the end with the bits about healing. And those I'll have to get in paper form to properly engage with. All in all I'm glad I read it.

What Moves the Dead (Hardcover, 2022, Tor Nightfire) 4 stars

From T. Kingfisher, the award-winning author of The Twisted Ones, comes What Moves the Dead, …

Ooooh yes

No rating

So, it's not very scary or anything. It also has soldiers, which often makes me dislike stories. But ah. This one is exactly right for me. It has the right kind of mushrooms and queerness and feminism and I enjoyed so many little details in it.

A Half-Built Garden (2022, Doherty Associates, LLC, Tom) 5 stars

On a warm March night in 2083, Judy Wallach-Stevens wakes to a warning of unknown …

It's so so good

5 stars

I love the conflicts, I love the characters, I love the playfulness of super big questions, I love how it's hopeful in ways that feel doable, I love the dating, I love the family stuff, I love the perpetually annoyed folks, there's just a lot about this that I like.

Die Känguru-Chroniken (AudiobookFormat, German language, 2014, Hörbuch Hamburg) No rating

»Ich bin ein Känguru- und Marc-Uwe ist mein Mitbewohner und Chronist. Nur manches, was er …


No rating

Es ist stellenweise schon auf eine süße fiese Art lustig und manche von uns haben vor allem am Anfang ziemlich vor sich hin gegrinst. Dass die Grundlage von vielen Witzen Klassismus und Ableismus und sonstiger Scheiß ist, macht es aber etwas mühsam.

Edges (Inverted Frontier) (Paperback, 2019, Mythic Island Press LLC) No rating

Deception Well is a world on the edge, home to an isolated remnant surviving at …

Ok that was cool

No rating

It's much more serious than my usual kind of scifi. Like, it's spanning centuries and it's kinda technical in its descriptions of... stuff. It's also a little more heteronormative than I'm used to. But it's still cool.

Some things that I enjoyed: - copying your consciousness as needed, creating diverging timelines of yourself, both virtual and physical, communicating between them and merging them back together - the ship is alive and it's angry - sometimes you just sleep for a few centuries and tell the computer to wake you if anything interesting happens

Fierce Femmes and Notorious Liars: A Dangerous Trans Girl's Confabulous Memoir (Paperback, 2016, Metonymy Press) No rating

Fierce Femmes and Notorious Liars: A Dangerous Trans Girl’s Confabulous Memoir by Kai Cheng Thom …

Oh wow

No rating

Read it for the second time. I had forgotten how much violence of various kinds there was. I had also forgotten about some of the fantastical elements. There's a lot of relationships being negotiated under marginalisation and repression. The plot is pretty cool, the whole story is just very intense, with all that interpersonal stuff. I fell asleep for the last half hour or so, and it felt super absurd, waking up to that story having finished, and instead my flatmates talking about the cats.

Gallant (Hardcover, 2022, Greenwillow Books) No rating

Everything casts a shadow. Even the world we live in. And as with every shadow, …

I think i missed parts of it

No rating

So I really enjoyed this, just, the plot seemed super confusing to me at some points and I thought that the style it was told in was surprisingly achronological buuuuut I think the reasons for that are a) that I was pretty distracted and b) that I must have accidentally skipped at least an hour, managing to listen to 5 hours of the book in what was at most 4 hours in my world, at normal speed. Well, either way, I liked it.